Category Archives: Star Wars
Sudden Shift
So we’ve been fighting off colds and other illnesses among our group for the past three weeks, so we haven’t been gaming unfortunately. This Sunday marks a change in all that, as well as a change in games. This may … Continue reading
Nar Shadda Shootout
Quick note – in the last few minutes of the last session, they came out of hyperspace over Nar Shadda and were told that they had to wait to land. They discussed getting a new transponder and name for the … Continue reading
Escape from Rychel
So this week our heroes found themselves headed towards the Starway Hotel to question the owner, a bothan by the name of Rede Vorg. They arrive at the hotel and see that it is very extravagant. The lobby is huge … Continue reading
Troubles on Rychel continued
As the character entered the diner they saw an older male twi’lek with blue skin wiping down the counters. Torr noticed a few pictures of the man that pegged him as a shock boxer. There was a younger twi’lek female … Continue reading
Troubles on Rychel
So we had our first Star Wars session, and it went pretty well! It started out with a quick opening narrative stating the nature of the current era. After that it was established that each of the characters had come … Continue reading
Character Creation Session
So we had our character creation session on Wednesday and through some stumbling (and me asking on the forums at Rancor’s Pit – thanks guys!) we managed to finish up two of them earlier this evening (Thursday). I was over-analyzing … Continue reading