I’ve said in the past that I need to update this more – but unfortunately again I haven’t had the time. First I was planning a Birthright campaign, which I did start, but had to stop due to the SHEER amount of planning needed for that particular campaign because of Domain turns. The idea is start it up when I can figure out Domain turns with a couple of my players over this Summer.
I then started a Dragonlance campaign because it’s what my players voted for – and I thought I could get right into it without any sort of overall planning. I was wrong. So now I am getting back to the Star Wars campaign which we will be playing until the current Episode is done. After that we will be getting back to Shadowrun for a while. During this time I will be planning a long-term Dragonlance game that will likely see high level (15-1 and hopefully getting my Final Fantasy RPG done when I have the chance to work on it.
My CURRENT plan is to add to the Star Wars bios for the new characters and then add bios for the Shadowrun, Birthright and Dragonlance campaigns within the next month as well as a what happened so far in the campaign for each. Hopefully. Then I will HOPEFULLY keep up with each game as we play them like I always planned to do. Fingers crossed that I actually keep up with this blog for once.