Small Update and Campaign Ended

After talking it over with my players, I am actually ending the AD&D campaign here. If you’ve been keeping up on things, you know that the group just stepped through a portal to Sigil, the City of Doors. Well the long and short of it is they find their way back and find out that the Cult of Nexara has gone silent, and it is believed that the Drakenblades got too close too soon.

When we play again, it will be a fresh new campaign that will also follow up this last one – in other words the current characters will be treated as heroes throughout the lands and could show up as NPCs in the next campaign.

There are several reasons for this change of heart – first off is the fact that we lost a player, and we also had people switching characters so we didn’t really have our core group anymore. The second reason is I felt that my overall story lacked coherency and was hard to follow. There is a two-fold reason to this. One was my lack of giving out information that I should have, the second is because the players did not pursue threads that I had left open for them to go after. This is not their fault though, I was too vague on those threads being possible avenues of exploration.

I am hoping that the next time I tackle this campaign, that I can do a better job and give the players a better overall story and make it clearer as to what is going on.

So now it will be Star Wars as I stated before, and I plan to run a single story arc for it, and then we may continue on with Star Wars depending on how I am feeling about it, or we may switch to Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay so I can finally run the 3 book long adventure I had picked up when I originally got into the game, going back to Star Wars on occasion as a break.

Category(s): Dungeons and Dragons, General

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